hBlock - Improve Your Security And Privacy By Blocking Ads, Tracking And Malware Domains

Improve your security and privacy by blocking ads, tracking and malware domains.

What is this for?
This POSIX-compliant shell script, designed for Unix-like systems, gets a list of domains that serve ads, tracking scripts and malware from multiple reputable sources and creates a hosts file that prevents your system from connecting to them.

Is it safe to use?
Absolutely, this script selects only the domain names for each source, so if a domain name is redirected to a rogue server your system will not be affected. In the worst scenario you can lose access to a legitimate domain name due a false positive, but you can reverse it by adding that domain to the whitelist.

curl -o /tmp/hblock 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zant95/hblock/v1.4.1/hblock' \
  && echo '3da144b2f6cca9ab8e38ed06d05ca96f14ebe554b88eb2918841dfac7ba04a12  /tmp/hblock' | shasum -c \
  && sudo mv /tmp/hblock /usr/local/bin/hblock \
  && sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/hblock \
  && sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/hblock
Note: you can use this Systemd timer to regularly update the hosts file for new additions.

Optionally, it is possible to use NPX to run hBlock without installation
npx hblock


Script arguments
You can also change the default behavior using these options:
Usage: hblock [options...]
 -O, --output FILE            Hosts file location (default: /etc/hosts)
 -R, --redirection IP         Destination IP for all entries in the blocklist
 -H, --header HEADER          Content to be included at the beginning of the
                              hosts file. You can use the output of any other
                              command (e.g. "$(cat header.txt)")
 -S, --sources URLS           Sources to be used to generate the blocklist
                              (whitespace separated URLs)
 -W, --whitelist ENTRIES      Entries to be removed from the blocklist
                              (whitespace separated POSIX BREs)
 -B, --blacklist ENTRIES      Entries to be added to the blocklist
                              (whitespace separated domain names)
 -b, --backup [DIRECTORY]     Make a time-stamped backup in DIRECTORY
                              (default: output file directory)
 -l, --lenient                Match any IP address from sources, although it
                              will be replaced by the destination IP
                              (default:, or none)
 -i, --ignore-download-error  Do not abort if a download error occurs
 -c, --color auto|true|false  Colorize the output (default: auto)
 -q, --quiet                  Suppress non-error messages
 -v, --version                Show version number and quit
 -h, --help                   Show this help and quit

Preserve content
This script replaces the hosts file of your system, if you want to preserve part of its content, you should wrap that content with the following structure:
# <custom>
# </custom>

Name Primary Mirror
adaway.org URL URL
AdBlock NoCoin List URL URL
AdGuard - Simplified URL URL
disconnect.me - Ad URL URL
disconnect.me - Malvertising URL URL
disconnect.me - Malware URL URL
disconnect.me - Tracking URL URL
ETH Phishing Detect URL URL
FadeMind - add.2o7Net URL URL
FadeMind - add.Dead URL URL
FadeMind - add.Risk URL URL
FadeMind - add.Spam URL URL
malwaredomainlist.com URL URL
malwaredomains.com - Immortal domains URL URL
malwaredomains.com - Just domains URL URL
matomo.org - Spammers URL URL
mitchellkrogza - Badd-Boyz-Hosts URL URL
pgl.yoyo.org URL URL
ransomwaretracker.abuse.ch URL URL
someonewhocares.org URL URL
spam404.com URL URL
StevenBlack URL URL
winhelp2002.mvps.org URL URL
ZeroDot1 - CoinBlockerLists URL URL
zeustracker.abuse.ch URL URL

hBlock - Improve Your Security And Privacy By Blocking Ads, Tracking And Malware Domains hBlock - Improve Your Security And Privacy By Blocking Ads, Tracking And Malware Domains Reviewed by Zion3R on 6:10 PM Rating: 5