SMTPTester - Tool To Check Common Vulnerabilities In SMTP Servers

SMTPTester is a python3 tool to test SMTP server for 3 common vulnerabilities:
  • Spoofing - The ability to send a mail on behalf of an internal user
  • Relay - Using this SMTP server to send email to other address outside of the organization
  • user enumeration - using the SMTP VRFY command to check if specific username and\or email address exist within the organization.

How to use it
First, install the needed dependencies:
pip install -r requirments.txt
Second, run the tool with the needed flags:
python --tester [tester email] --targets [SMTP IP or file containing multiple IPs]

Options to consider
  • -i\--internal
    • testing only for mail spoofing
  • -e\--external
  • -v\--vrfy
    • only perform user enumeration the tool will perform both internal and external when no specific test type is specified, and will append the output to a log file on the same folder as the file.

Issues, bugs and other code-issues
Yeah, I know, this code isn't the best. I'm fine with it as I'm not a developer and this is part of my learning process. If there is an option to do some of it better, please, let me know.
Not how many, but where.

SMTPTester - Tool To Check Common Vulnerabilities In SMTP Servers SMTPTester - Tool To Check Common Vulnerabilities In SMTP Servers Reviewed by Zion3R on 9:24 AM Rating: 5