KICS - Find Security Vulnerabilities, Compliance Issues, And Infrastructure Misconfigurations Early In The Development Cycle Of Your Infrastructure-As-Code

Find security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and infrastructure misconfigurations early in the development cycle of your infrastructure-as-code with KICS by Checkmarx.

KICS stands for Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure, it is open source and is a must-have for any cloud native project.

Support of other solutions and additional cloud providers are on the roadmap.

Getting Started

Setting up and using KICS is super-easy.

Interested in more advanced stuff?

  • Deep dive into KICS queries.
  • Understand how to integrate KICS in your favourit CI/CD pipelines.

How it Works

What makes KICS really powerful and popular is its built-in extensibility. This extensibility is achieved by:

  • Fully customizable and adjustable heuristics rules, called queries. These can be easily edited, extended and added.
  • Robust but yet simple architecture, which allows quick addition of support for new Infrastructure as Code solutions.

Release process

KICS release process is quite simple. We have nightly builds that will pack and pre-release all changes merged into master. The nightly release will have a "nightly" prefix with the last commit hash code. We have binaries available for both Windows and Linux, as well a Docker image in DockerHub


KICS is a true community project. It's built as an open source from day one, and anyone can find his own way to contribute to the project. Check out how, within just minutes, you can start making a difference, by sharing your expertise with a community of thousands of security experts and software developers.


KICS public documentation has all the project aspects covered. Join the chat on Gitter. Or contact KICS core team at [email protected]

Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure!

KICS - Find Security Vulnerabilities, Compliance Issues, And Infrastructure Misconfigurations Early In The Development Cycle Of Your Infrastructure-As-Code KICS - Find Security Vulnerabilities, Compliance Issues, And Infrastructure Misconfigurations Early In The Development Cycle Of Your Infrastructure-As-Code Reviewed by Zion3R on 5:30 PM Rating: 5