Whapa - WhatsApp DataBase Parser Tool

Whapa is a whatsapp database parser that automates the process. The main purpose of whapa is to present the data handled by the Sqlite database in a way that is comprehensible to the analyst. The Script is written in Python 2.x
The software is divided into three modes:
  • Message Mode: It analyzes all messages in the database, applying different filters. It extracts thumbnails when they're availables.
  • Decryption Mode: Decrypt crypto12 databases as long as we have the key.
  • Info Mode: Displays different information about statuses, broadcasts list and groups.
Please note that this project is an early stage. As such, you could find errors. Use it at your own risk!
Bonus: It also comes with a tool to download the backup copies of google drive associated with a smartphone.
  • "Whapas.py" is the spanish version of "whapa.py"


whapa.py (Whatsapp parser)
You can download the latest version of whapa by cloning the GitHub repository:
git clone https://github.com/B16f00t/whapa.git
pip install -r requirements.txt

whagdext.py (Extracts datas from Google Drive Account)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pyportify
To usage:
config settings.cfg
 gmail = [email protected]
 passw = yourpassword
python3 whagdext.py "arguments"

     __      __.__          __________         
    /  \    /  \  |__ _____ \______   \_____   
    \   \/\/   /  |  \\__  \ |     ___/\__  \  
     \        /|   Y  \/ __ \|    |     / __ \_
      \__/\  / |___|  (____  /____|    (____  /
           \/       \/     \/               \/ 
    ---------- Whatsapp Parser v0.2 -----------
usage: whapa.py [-h] [-k KEY | -i | -m] [-t TEXT] [-u USER] [-g GROUP] [-w]
                [-s] [-b] [-tS TIME_START] [-tE TIME_END]
                [-tT | -tI | -tA | -tV | -tC | -tL | -tX | -tP | -tG | -tD | -tR]

To start choose a database and a mode with options

positional arguments:
DATABASE              database file path - './msgstore.db' by default

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY     *** Decrypt Mode *** - key file path
  -i, --info            *** Info Mode ***
  -m, --messages        *** Message Mode ***
  -t TEXT, --text TEXT  filter messages by text match
  -u USER, --user USER  filter messages made by a phone number
  -g GROUP, --group GROUP
                        filter messages made in a group number
  -w, --web             filter messages made by Whatsapp Web
  -s, --starred         filter messages starred by user
  -b, --broadcast       filter messages send by broadcast
  -tS TIME_START, --time_start TIME_START
                        filter messages by start time (dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM)
  -tE TIME_END, --time_end TIME_END
                        filter messages by end time (dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM)
  -tT, --type_text      filter text messages
  -tI, --type_image     filter image messages
  -tA, --type_audio     filter audio messages
  -tV, --type_video     filter video messages
  -tC, --type_contact   filter contact messages
  -tL, --type_location  filter location messages
  -tX, --type_call      filter audio/video call messages
  -tP, --type_application
                        filter application messages
  -tG, --type_gif       filter GIF messages
  -tD, --type_deleted   filter deleted object messages
  -tR, --type_share     filter Real time location messages  

("./Media" is the directory where thumbnails is being written)
  • Message mode:
      python whapa.py -m 
    Show all messages from the database.
      python whapa.py -m -tS "12-12-2017 12:00" -tE "13-12-2017 12:00"
    Show all messages from 12-12-2017 12:00 to 13-12-2017 12:00.
      python whapa.py -m -w -tI
    Show all images send by Whatsapp Web.
  • Decrypt mode:
      python whapa.py msgstore.db.crypt12 -k key
    Decrypt msgstore.dbcrypt12, creating msgstore.db
  • Info mode:
      python whapa.py -i
    Show a stage with options about groups, broadcast lists and statuses.

Whapa - WhatsApp DataBase Parser Tool Whapa - WhatsApp DataBase Parser Tool Reviewed by Zion3R on 6:10 PM Rating: 5